Bila aku kata aku tak suka attachment, tak bermakna aku take people around me for granted if I ever did that, I give you permission to smack my head. Cumanya aku lebih suka kalau kurangkan dependency aku pada dorang. I do depend on my family, who doesn't? Am I attached to them? Yes of course, I'm human come on lah. Do I need friends? Kalau kau berani kata kau tak perlu, mai la sini aku nak cepuk sikit. Tapi tak tau lah pulak kalau ada orang yang betul-betul mampu. Aku? Yup, aku perlu kawan. But then, macam aku mention tadi, aku cuba kurangkan dependency pada orang. Sebab pada akhirnya, dalam hidup ni, orang datang dan pergi atas banyak sebab. So I don't want to be to attach to someone sampai aku tak boleh hidup kalau diorang tak ada. That will hurt so much.
Kadang aku rasa macam selfish semacam je thought aku ni. It's just me being protective to myself. Tapi kan, macam yang aku cakap tadi, orang datang dan pergi kan? So, do appreciate the time that we have with them. Make them feel appreciated. Sebab sekurang-kurangnya, kalau takdir memisahkan, kau dah manfaatkan masa yang ada dengan sebaiknya. God give you time and chance, you make the best of it. Be it with family, friends, colleague atau sesiapalah yang ada di sekeliling kita. Be the beautiful memory of someone, bukan bad memory. :)
In the end, attachment to God is far more beautiful for He can never turn you down or leave you. Manusia macam kita ni je yang selalu lupa pada dia. Se-la-lu. Terutamanya aku. Haih. Tapi the lovely thing about relationship with God ni, alahaiii, sayangnya Dia pada hamba Dia, melimpah ruah.
You guys had no idea what I feel while writing this entry. Headshot diri sendiri banyak kali sangat tau T_T
Off topic sikit.
Do you know how to make Gmail prompt you if you forget to attach? Dalam e-mail korang pastikan tulis antara phrase ni:
So apabila korang lupa nak attach dia akan kuar pop out tanya "hang lupa nak attach file ka?". I actually forget what exactly does it say, but you got what I mean lah.
- "I have attached",
- "I've attached",
- "I have included",
- "I've included",
- "see the attached" or
- "attached file"
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