This is going to a be a long post with so many photos. This is such a throwback since this is actually from April last year. That trip was the second time Husna and I went travelling to South Korea and it was simply because we didn't get enough of Jeju-do the first time we went in 2016 after we finished our internship.
For this trip, we had decided earlier on that we are going to rent a car because the first time we went, we were commuting by bus and a lot of time was spent waiting for the bus and we wanted to dwell more on the beauty of the coast. Pre-trip preparation wasn't so extraordinary since we went during spring and weather is usually just a bit chilly, nothing a simple sweater couldn't fix. Accommodation booking, flights, researching places, anyway nothing extraordinary.
The only special arrangement that we had to do was to take the IDP. We settled on only Husna taking the IDP because I am such a noob and nervous driver even in Malaysia so driving in foreign country, with opposite hand drive, what would you think will happen to me then. Haha.
Important Note: If you are planning to rent a car, you will be needing International Driving Permit NOT International Driving License. Legit rental companies will only accept IDP. If you fail to issue IDP, it is not possible for you to rent the car.
Of course, some that are operating not so legally will accept those if you search hard enough and if you're willing to risk it (Jeju traffic rule is strict). Oh btw, IDP cost RM 150 when Husna did it but I am not sure what is the price now.
Funny thing was, we have to book the car but both Husna and I didn't own any credit card so we were like "Okay this time who should we ask favor from?". We used to ask Faris to buy our SEA Games Opening Ceromony in ticket because we don't have one haha. And we definitely cannot borrow credit card from our parents because for sure we will get chewed at, risky risky. And we have to use the same card we book to take our car so we end up gritting our teeth and gamble using the debit card instead of credit card. Phewww it luckily worked. (But we don't know about when we take the car yet, scawyyy)
Anyway, that's pretty much all we did before the trip. It's not much really.
Day 1: 4th April 2019
Our flight to Seoul was at 9.30 a.m., Saturday. I depart to KLIA2 from Ipoh at around 1 a.m.? if I remember correctly. I remember arriving there like super early that I had to wait hours before the flight. And Husna arrived around 6.00 a.m.++ ? As usual, the cheapskate us didn't want to spend a dime for in flight meal so we made sure to take a quick bite.
Honestly I can't remember much about the flight. Probably because it's nothing eventful. I slept pretty much throughout the flight. After the 7 hours flight, we arrived in Jeju. Jeju International Airport is pretty busy. It's buzzling with tourist. We bumped with at least 3 groups of Chinese tourists and man... were they loud? Heck yeah. I wasn't really taken aback tho. When we visit Jeju previously, it was the same. Chinese tourist.. you can't really expect more from them. Lol.
Anyway, back to the story.
At first, when we were preparing the itinerary, we wanted to take the bus from the airport to the but WE HAVE TOO MUCH LUGGAGE AND BACKPACK so we ended up taking the taxi. The taxi ride was mostly silent, we were both taking in the view, the canola, the cherry blossoms along the road.. it was breathtaking. The taxi driver was very friendly. Husna and I with our very limited Korean try to communicate with him. Trying to ask where's the good seafood restaurant and stuff. Some he understand, some he not. Vice versa. Lol. It's the personification of the peribasa bagai ayam dan itik.
When we arrived at the guesthouse, he made sure that the owner was aware that we have arrived. When we arrived, we are welcomed by this small ferocious white dog that bark and wanted to jump on us. Boy.... I was terrified. LUCKILY the owner picked that dog up and put it in its room. I remember that the owner had a friend drop by at that time and his friend is asking how can you communicate with the guests, you can't speak English. And the owner replied "Somehow, we can communicate". I was lol-ing inside at his answer.
By the time that we finished settling down our stuffs, it was already dark outside and we're just too lazy to find eateries at that time so we just went out to the nearby CU, having a stroll in the neighborhood, and took instant noodles as our dinner, classic.
Before you start going anywhere, get yourself T-Money (there's other transportation cards but I can't remember the name). You can get them in any convenience store; CU, GS25, 7Eleven. The transportation card can be used for buses ride, subway and also taxi. It's super convenient (and no surcharge when you reload it ANYWHERE! Att: Touch n Go)
To navigate around like a pro, install Naver Map. It help you to plan your journey because they provide a very comprehensive schedule and those schedule are what you can see on the LED board at the bus stops. You can totally trust the timings.
Day 2: 5th April 2019
Actually, we wanted to depart super early (like 5 a.m. early) but Husna and I are both not an early riser. But hey, we did manage to start our day pretty early for our standard, it was around 6.45 a.m.? It's quite hazy in my memory but it was around that time. That morning is when I witness how serene the neighborhood of our guesthouse was in full bloom. We arrived quite late the previous day so I couldn't really delve in it.
We chose Eorimok trail to hike up. Don't be alarmed by the way, the trail entrance is quite a walk from the bus stop but the view along the walk was already soooo beautiful!
The very start of the trail was super lax that it got me thinking that it's going to be that way all the way but boy... was I wrong? I can just laugh. At the first 1/4 of the Eorimok trail, it was hell! Both of us are just breathless from how hard the hike was. At one point, I left Husna behind and say "I'll see you up when the hard part passed". It was because she looked like she was going to give up on the hike and went down. So to ensure she keep going, I went forward first. The trick worked! Haha.
But when we past the 1/4 quarter of one hell of a hike... we were welcomed with this.
This was when Husna passed the hard part. Straight up downing the water down her throat. Haha.
Then we filled them bottle back up with spring water from the mountain goodness. After this part, the hike was quite easy. Let the photo tell the stories now.
And after that hike, we finally reach the summit for Eorimok trail. We took a rest there to recharge our energy for our hike down. We ate our bekal which was convenient store kimbap and also some Oreos.
After we recharged enough, we started our hike down using Yeongsil trail. Oh by the way, during our hike down, we went separately because I wanted to hike up for the view of Hallasan peak from the view point. And to get to the view point, we need to hike up again and it was hella high so Husna want out so she went on to hike down first.
The view from the view point by the way... it's just subhanallah sooooo beautiful. It was so windy at the time and the sound of the leaves at that time just give my mind such a peace and I was constantly in awe by the beauty of Allah's creation. Indeed, Allah is Great.
After dwelling on the beauty for a while at the view point, I started to make my way down. The view when we started to hike down was pretty same with Eorimok trail. But as I went further down.... I was amazed at how much the view change. Contrary to the serene and chill Eorimok, Yeongsil trail... is just so majestic and mystical. And while Eorimok trail is pretty much all paved with well maintained wooden planks, Yeongsil was on the rougher side. So one must be more aware while hiking up/down Yeongsil trail.

On my way down, I met Lin from Shanghai. She was also hiking alone because her friend gave up halfway and went down. While hiking down, I just had some conversation with her and she's fascinated about how I cannot eat certain things and how I have to cover up. The concept of religion is not so familiar with her but I love one thing that she said "Even though I don't practice religion, but I do believe the people has do good and treat others good". It just goes to show that by fitrah, humans want goodness.
After the torturous hiking down (Yeongsil trail is superrrr steep, my knees will be shouting at me if they can speak), I reunited with Husna at the foot of the mountain. After that, we took a breather and then slowly make our way out of the park to get to the bus stop which by the way, is such a longggg walk. The view was beautiful but we were just too spent to enjoy it. Haha.
Tips: If you want to hike up Hallasan, here's some tips for you.
Eorimok trail is best during autumn and Yeongsil is most beautiful during spring. Spring comes later in Halla so if I'm not mistaken, flowers there will bloom in May.
Yeongsil trail is steep af but the view is majestic and mystical and Eorimok is a very lax trail (only the beginning is a bit hard but keep going like seriously don't give up) with serene landscape, suitable for beginners
If you are up for a full day hike, you can go for Gwaneumsa trail and go down thru Seongpanak. These trails go to the very peak of Hallasan. You can see the famous Baeknodam lake here. I didn't hike up here so I cannot comment much.)
If you want to go up and down using different trail, use bus to commute. It will waste your time and money if you do that while commuting by car because you have to go back to the place you park your car and stuff.
Car park is ample in every trail entrance so for those who want to use car to commute, don't worry about car park.
After the torturous but rewarding hike, we had to wait quite a bit for the bus since the frequency of the bus is quite low. We were just so damn tired that time that I remember that we waited in silence and just changing remarks about the bus being late. Seriously, we were ready to just take a sleep there and then because how exhausted we were.
Finally after quite a wait, the bus arrived. We hop on the bus, tempted to just take a nap while commuting but we can't afford to miss the stop so we didn't. On the way back, we stop by a mart and bought some stuff for dinner as there's no way we were going out that night. I can't even remember what we buy or eat that night though. That's just how tired I was. Haha.
Day 3: 6th April 2019
It's the day Kacak, our spoiled dongsaeng from another mother and father haha arrive and will be joining us. The plan was to pick up our rental car early in the morning since we need to check out at 11.00 a.m. and it's a while before Kacak arrives. So the plan went; go to Tamra Rental Car by bus from Badaseong Pension > Get the car > Back to lodging, checkout > Sightseeing > Pick Kacak from airport.
A manifestation of how early we came out.
We rent our car at Tamra Rent-a-Car . This company is very near to the Jeju International Airport. The booking and payment was already done online. But we still need credit card to use for the deposit purpose. The deposit will be return if there's no damage to the car and no traffic or any kind of fine charged on the car. We went out early to pick up the car but we end up having to wait quite a bit. The counter staff haven't even arrived at the time. There're 2 couples who are also waiting with us that time.I still remember the glorious entrance of the counter staff who arrive with her damp hair, walking in a rush, probably woke up late and rush to work. Haha. While waiting, we were praying the whole time so that our debit card is accepted because we don't have any credit card with us. If it is rejected, it would meant that we have to travel Jeju by bus (again). Thankfully, our prayers came true. The card was accepted without any problem. As we completed all of the documentation parts, we got out car.
When accepting the car, the staff explain to us some things. And she delivered a bad news to us; the navigation is only in Korean. Walaweyyy. And the fact that we have to rely on that because we depend edon wifi only. Mayday mayday. But somehow, someway, with our limited Hangul knowledge, we managed to use the navigation. Such a victory.
Tips: Please take photo of every inch of the car (like literally, don't miss anything) when you receive it to ensure that you will not be charged of any pre-existing damages on the car that you did not cause.
After receiving the car, our first destination was Badaseong Pension as we need to check out. I took a chance to marvel on the beauty of the surrounding area at that time as the previous day we went out early to go to hike and did not manage to go around the area in the morning. Husna directly went upstairs to pack up her stuff though. The surrounding area was actually very cute.
This is how the pension look like from the front. Isn't it cute?

I put my phone in between rocks to get these shots because I was alone during that time while Husna packed things up upstairs. After a while dwelling on the beauty of the sea view from here, listening to the sound of nature, taking endless shots, I went upstairs to pack my things up and get ready to check out. After checking out, our first destination was Jeonnongro 전농로16길 59. We had such a hard time finding a parking spot that we end up parking very far awayyyyy from the road. But on the way to the road is a pretty sight so I was enjoying it the whole time even though the leg pain from the hike was torturous af. We walked like two lost penguins. Haha.
This road is a famous spot for cherry blossom viewing and it's a street full of cafes and boutiques as well. Unfortunately, when we were there, the festival just ended I think a day before so pretty much all the shop are closed. Sad sad. But we did find a cute little café and had a drink there. We took soooo many photos around here but honestly, pictures didn't do any justice to the beauty. Cherry blossom really need to be enjoyed in person for you to be able to enjoy the beauty of it. That time, I understand why they have cherry blossom viewing festivals. Seriously, you could just spend the whole day staring at the delicate but oh so pretty flowers.

The café we went to is such a cute one. It's a one man café. The owner is also the worker. So at this café you can't expect a fast service. But it's a not too long of a wait either. I ordered as you can see, the delicious strawberry yoghurt smoothies. As if it's not weather cold enough for me too handle, I drank smoo-fcking-thie. Typical. Malaysian can't run from love from ice, can we? Husna went for some weird grapefruit tea (which she end up not finishing btw hush hush). That thing taste bitter I went uh-oh you're in trouble. Lol. We end up spending quite some time there before we moved along to the next destination.
Our next destination in plan was Geum-oreum. It was quite a drive from the area we were at. And Husna end up feeling super sleepy that we detoured a bit so that she can take a quick nap. We still had a long day anyway. I can't remember where was the place we made the stop but it's the nearest exit from the highway we were on that time. After around 30 minutes nap, we continue our journey. We made another stop after exiting the highway at a CU. And I found a little canola a-bit-vague-to-called-garden at the parking area so of course I had to have some camwhoring session there.

We then continue our way to Geum-oreum. From my so call research, the area is supposed to be accessible by car. But when we arrived there, we found out that we have to hike up which definitely was such a bad idea because our legs haven't recovered. So we wandered around quite a bit before deciding to go to Jeju Museum of Contemporary Art. We struggled our way to find the real entrance of the museum we end up to some other show room. After so much struggle we finally find the real deal.
The perimeter of this establishment is super big and they have different show rooms that hold different exhibition. Honestly, I couldn't understand shit about art but going around here was just fun overall. The walk was torturous though. With our penguin walk. There weren't many people around when we were there that we pretty much got all the space all for ourselves at most of the exhibition. Except for 2 special exhibition where we bumped with 2 different groups. We did spend quite a sum to buy cute things at the souvenir shop.
I feel like this place was quite underrated but not quite? I don't know how to describe it. But it deserves more attention but definitely not a place deserving to go super popular either? Complicated huh. Surely this place got many photo ops, so who like to take photo and enjoy some artsy stuff, you can stop by here. It's pretty much free as well except you want to go in special exhibition.

We take quite some time in the museum before we decided to start our journey to pick up Kacak at the airport. On our way to the airport, we found a gelato spot on the way and we couldn't resist to turn back to have some sweet to satisfy our sudden need for gelato. Couldn't remember what flavor we bought but they're all good.
I have a habit of taking photos on the road (if I'm not the one behind the wheel ofc) and on our journey, the sun set so beautifully so I just have to snap some memorabilia.

After some struggling to contact Kacak and the gate that he was at, we finally reunited with this kid on Korean soil (lol). It's been a while since we met him that time but I remembered how we go "I thought that you'd be kurus from having no food but not quite ye?". Anyway, as we are all hungry af, we went straight ahead to a halal shabu-shabu place called 천해천 . It's a all-you-can-eat eateries so we actually made sure that our stomach were empty that day haha. They have a time limit though (but I can remember the duration , the price was 34,000 krw per person btw). It's actually so hard to find the place by the way we went around at least 3 times before we actually found the restaurant. When we arrived there, we straight away order and eat not even bothering to take a single photo there as we were too famished to care about some Instagram photos.

After finished filling up our 'gas tank' we are now sleepy and just ready to sleep. So we continue our way to our accommodation of the day, Arirang B&B. We actually reached there so late at 10.40 p.m..I remember the owner giving us look when she saw 3 people instead of 2. I actually forgot to update the booking as Kacak actually decide to join us after I have finished all the booking stuff. But she didn't say much and just let us in after that. I did edit my booking after that tho. The room (it's actually an apartment) we booked was enormous. Surely it can fit at least 4 person. At least. Kacak take the attic while we take the room downstairs because it will be easier for us to go to the toilet. We warned the kid not to go downstairs after all settled to sleep. It's the first time we sport the towel fashion in front of him (the first one to see us with that fashion was Anas lol). We then just went to sleep, actually planning to go up early (kononnya) to catch the sunrise.
Day 4: 7th April 2019
It's day 4 for us, and day 2 for our little bro. As I said, we actually planned to catch the sunrise at the famous place for sunrise viewing, Seongsan Ilchubung. But guess who failed miserably? We actually did wake up early tho but we were lazing around after our Subuh and end up going out after the sun already rise and shine. Kacak did take a walk around the B&B though, while waiting for the super slow us to get ready. After finally ready to go out, our first destination that day was Seongsan Ilchubung. Husna and I actually already went here during our trip in 2017. After arriving there and parking our car, we went to the 7-Eleven first to get our breakfast.
Then we start to hike up to the entrance. Although we came here before, we just notice that there's a little shrine there at the foot of the oreum. Anyway, we all bought the ticket to go in. But as Husna and I legs were still so damn sore, only Kacak went up while we roam at the foot. The view at the foot was also beautiful don't worry. We were actually in time for haenyo (women diver) performance but we have to go down steep stake of stairs down and we were like "Oh no thank you". Even the hike up to the entrance is already torturous enough.
Kacak went up and down pretty quickly. But he's quite unlucky that day as the fog was so thick that he can't actually see the structure of the oreum.
After that, we just went directly to our next destination, Seopjikoji. It's pretty near from Seongsan Ilchubung. Along the way, you can enjoy the beautiful coastal road. We did stop to take some photos along the way.
After enjoying the view along the way and having a stop on the way to take photo, we arrived at Seopjikoji. Mind you, this area is a tourist area so please do expect a crowd.
Our next destination is the secret Sehwa beach. We knew about this area because Lee Kyuri, one unnie we met during our Jeju trip in 2017 brought us there. It was such a serene and quiet beach. Not many people there. In short, it's a hidden gem. Shushhh. We had a hard time to find the café we went with unnie so we end up just taking some photo there.
After that, we were in a bind of where to go. We were starving so we were searching for place to eat. Thankfully, we did found a place that we can eat near there. On the way, we found a group of ahjumma and ahjussi drying what I assume as seaweed. The ahjussi were kind of excited from a round of drinking and they asked to take photos with Husna. I was laughing from the side hahahah. We were joking about Husna might get 'guna-guna' by the ahjussi. Lmao.
The place we ate at is called Jeju Onuii. (If you want to search on Naver it's Myeongjin Abalone). This place is not halal certified but they only have menu with abalone there and they did not serve any alcohol at the establishment. This is a very popular restaurant so expect a queue. We only got in after around 30 minutes wait. While waiting, we bought the hallabong ball and hallabong juice at the stall in front of the restaurant. They're soooooo good! It's kinda like bahulu with hallabong jam as filling.
We ate the abalone hotpot (15,000 krw) and abalone rice porridge (12,000 krw). They're all good but I would give thumbs up to the abalone hotpot. I didn't take any photo of the food sadly. But I remember the unique way of eating the abalone hotpot. They gave us this pot of hot water when serving the food. We were like what? Then we notice instruction on how to eat the meal. After finishing all the rice that can be scooped easily, we put the hot water in the pot to make some sort of porridge (but not really) with the scorched rice. It was sooooo delicious by the way. Definitely a meal I want to eat again when I come back to Jeju.
After gaining back the energy, we set to our next destination, Majanggul Cave. On the way there, near the Sehwa Beach area, we found a cute café on the way. But we just went pass by it at first. On the road, we just keep contemplating whether to go to the café or not so we took the most dramatic U-turn to go to the café. We are random like that. The café was soooo cute we really can't resist. The café name is Café Ri.

We each ordered drinks there and sit there enjoying the view and interior of the café. As we thought, it is super cute, it got me dreaming for my own café one day. We spent quite some time there before we continue our 'paused' journey to Majanggul Cave.
When we arrived at the car park, we found this car. It's just one number behind our car. Oh well, why not take the opportunity for some joking around with some strangers that we won't even meet huh? Haha. Before going in the cave, we took time solat outside. After we finished taking our wudu', as we came out from the toilet, a strong wind pass. And it was a spectacles seeing how the cherry blossom flower petals fall like shower. It was just surreal and oh so masya-Allah beautiful. We just enjoy that view for a while. That time, as Kacak reported, the renter of car beside us came back. And they were also laughing and taking photo of the little scene. We were just equally amused I guess. Haha.
Anyway, the Majanggul Cave has a fee okay. Can't remember how much. The cave is honestly nothing much if you're not a 'rock' lover like me. I did enjoy it there. I don't know about the other two haha. They did have to listen an earful lecture about lava from me though. Haha. The cave actually is very geologically fascinating. If you asked me to recall the formation of that cave now, I can't lol. At the end of the cave (that's accessible by the pathway, the cave actually went longer), there's this big column.
This kid said that it's hard to find a stray cat in Korea. I who do not fancy cat be like "So what?"
Our final destination for the day was Gasiri. On our way there, our random ass stop by at a road that looked pretty and try to take photo there. It was hard okay car kept passing by. We took a few shots before we gave up and continue to hit to road only to find another random spot, a café that look so cute and they have this big yard full of blooming canola flower. We wanted to eat cake but there's none there and they only have drink which were on pricier side and we have to spend to actually go in there so we were like okay no thanks. We did manage to get some photos of the cuteness. By the way, Husna later found out that now that café became a popular spot for the domestic tourist.
We finally reach Gasiri where we can see an endless field of yukchae or canola flower with enormous windmill adding to the greatness of the view. When we were there, it's quite late so there weren't many people so it's really easy to get a shot without any stranger interfering. It was windy so we got to see the windmill really spinning like crazy and they produce such a loud sound I was so afraid I thought that they will fall off or something. If I was nerding at the cave, it's Husna and Kacak turn to have nerd conversation about windmill and the mechanism plus some research that their classmates was doing. And I be like whatever. Haha.

We checked in at Haevichi Scene at around 8.00 p.m. The one who welcomed our arrival were a halmeoni with her ferocious small dogs that scare the shit out of me. This time, Husna and I take the attic as the bed downstairs doesn't have any 'room'. After we cleaned up, we (actually only Husna and Kacak muahaha) cooked Maggi as our dinner. A humble dinner after that fancy abalone lunch. Oh how I miss the taste of Malaysia. After the dinner, we set out to CU for I don't remember why. I think it was because we plan to cook tuna kimchi fried rice the next day or something? But we didn't manage to find one ingredient. Husna create a scene tho, she went out wearing kain batik weyh. In the middle of Jeju. Lol. Bukti bergambar:
After all the laugh, we came back to the accommodation only to get 'attacked' by one of the dog. I lost all of my cool then and there. I end up climbing the very short fence to run from the dog as if it can't jump lol. We finally get out of the crisis as Kacak gather all of his courage and chase away the dig while we took a run into the house. I remember getting laughed at because I tried to get the dog away from me by putting food at the fence and shout "Nahhh makan tu jangan la kejar aku". Man, I was always the macho and cool one out of all the girls in the bunch okay. What is cool and machoness at that time? All gone in a split second. Lmao.
Day 5: 8th April 2019
We woke up early but we took our own sweet time to get ready and we finally left the accommodation at 10.00 a.m. This is how our accommodation look like from outside. It's a very cute place I have to say. And if I'm not mistaken, around here, you can find many orange farms. So it's an ideal place to stay if you want to visit orange farm for some orange picking activity.
We had our breakfast at Lotteria for the day. The outlet we went to was at the Pyoseon Beach. As usual, I don't take photo of food because I dive right in not caring to take any photo. We all ate the scrumptious shrimp burger (which is the only thing we can eat there anyway haha)
Our snack along the way. Let me tell you, this thing is delicious!
Our first touristy stop for the day was Jeongbang Waterfall which is the only waterfall in Asia to fall directly into sea water. As usual, there were many people around here.
After that. we went to Lee Jung Seop street where we also stop by the Seogwipo Olle Maeil Market and eat shaved ice dessert at Solbingsu. Lee Jung Seop was actually a popular artist and the street was where you can buy a lot of cute handcrafts. Kacak bought a ring here by the way and we were teasing him like mad. At Solbingsu, we ate melon shaved ice and we were pretty much tortured to finish that thing because man, it was actually cold and we're the crazy one to be eating shaved ice really.
Our next target was Hwangwuji Haean. This place was super pretty. We went a bit adventurous here and try to go to the small cave there but mission had to be aborted due to unexpected block.
This shot was taken by an ahjussi who probably thought that we were struggling to take photo because I was taking selfie with Husna that time (need to report to Mam Yusma okay). 
Our next destination was supposed to be Yongmeori Coast but we arrived there a tad bit too late and the attraction was already closed at that time. So we only took photo from outside. And as we are quite late already, we perform our prayer here before it's too late to Jama' Zohor and Asar.

The sun sets after we wander around there for quite a bit. Luckily we already performed our prayer earlier. If not, jadi Jama' Tak Payah la jawabnya.
As it was getting so late, we directly drove to our supposed-to-be-accommodation for the night. We got into difficulty here as we can't contact the owner no matter how we try and even the other people residing there do not know how to contact them. So after sending a ticket to, we made a decision to find another accommodation near the airport. This happening turned out to be a blessing in disguise to be honest. As the accommodation was so far from airport and Kacak had an early flight the next day. So, our accommodation that night was Jeju Muji Hotel.

This was the scenery around our supposed-to-be accommodation by the way. It is actually a very pretty one.
That night, we finally had a taste of Jeju City Centre at night when we went out and took our dinner at Bagdad Restaurant. The area was actually so hectic but not as much as cities in Seoul. We also managed to sort out our laundry here. Before we went to sleep, we had a strawberry fest with the strawberry we bought at the Seogwipo Olle Maiel Market. We also sort out some things as Kacak was going back to Pohang and Husna and I would continue our journey to Seoul.
By the way, at one point of the day, I seriously can't remember exactly when, Husna felt sleepy so we thought, okay maybe let Kacak drive for a bit. Then, while he drove, mannn, that was the first time we bumped into patrol car at the traffic light and we were freaking out like crazy. But we were like okay cool, don't let it show, don't let it show. Haha. After we finally get away from the patrol car, we stop by the road and immediately change the driver. Did I mention to you that Kacak didn't have IDP? Because he didn't hahahaha. I can laugh about this now but at the time, it was.... nerve-wrecking.
Foot note: Don't ever do this okay. Only person with IDP should drive if you don't want to get fined, understand?
Day 6: 9th April 2019
We woke up super early because we have to send Kacak for his early flight back to Pohang. We dropped Kacak at the airport to check in and leave our bags along with him. After that, Husna and I went to return the rental car at Tamra and find Kacak again at the airport to get our bags. We said by to him and then we wait for out turn to check in. I will continue in the next part.
Before I end this part, here's some suggestions for people who want to visit Jeju.
- Jeju Museum of Contemporary Art
- Hamdeok beach
- Woljeongri beach
- Dongmun traditional market
- Seongsan Ilchubung
- Yuchae Flower Cultivation Complex (go here for a photo opp of full view Seongsan Ilchubung)
- Seopjikoji (nice coastal road!)
- Sehwa beach + Bellongjang
- Majanggul Cave
- Saryeoni Forest
- Gasiri (Yukchae + windmill)
- Aewol area has pretty ocean view and coastal road so you can drive by the coast and maybe stop by cute cafes around. + Aewol Handam Park
- Jeongbang waterfall (there's other waterfall there but I suggest to not go since they're very generic one haha. I believe Malaysia has better waterfall. But Jeongbang waterfall is by the sea so it's a nice sight)
- Lee Jung Seop street, Seogwipo Olle Maeil Market
- Seogwipo Maritime Park
- Hwanguji haean (if you go during summer, you can actually take a dive in there)
- Yongmeori coast
- Eongal Haean & Suwolbong peak
- Sinchang Windmill coastal road
- Gaetkkak Juseongjoli cliff (The famous one is paid but I believe this option is free)
- Geomun oreoum
- Abu Oreum
- Saebyeol oreum
- Geumoreum