
Wednesday, October 1, 2014

[Cabaran 30 Hari] #1 Brief Intro -- Khairunnisa Ar Alhan

Khairunnisa Binti Ar Alhan.
Sebaik-baik wanita maksudnya. But looking at the current condition, uhuk huk huk,  Way far from that. Called as 'Cha' by family (only family can call me that pur-lease), Keron by the awesome Krikikers (only!), Keon and Nisa adalah yang paling common. Runi as called by Azrul, Pau, Raimi and Usop. Aku ingat orang yang mana panggil aku by what name, so kadang-kadang bila orang tukar-tukar panggil aku konfius (aku yang konfius ko paham tak? haha).

I'm already 20 (gila kau aku dah masuk 20-an :O). But to be honest, I don't act like one. Still very immature inside. Not something that I'm proud of seriously. 

I was born, brought up, get my formal education, mostly in Perak and I'M PROUD!

Timeline formal education:
1- Tabika KEMAS Kg. Tersusun Bt. Karang, Kampar, Perak (2000)
2- SK Kapar, Klang, Selangor (2001-2002)
3- SK Methodist (ACS) Kampar, Perak (2003-2006)
4- SBPI Gopeng, Perak (2007-2011)
5- Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, Tronoh, Perak (2012-Now)

Cannot lie though, it does feel like I live like katak bawah tempurung. Haha. 

Currently pursuing my degree in Petroleum Geoscience at Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS. So basically, I see batu like A LOT and I get fascinated by it. LOL. 

Enjoy reading novels, WATCHING sports (but I didn't no much sport, not anymore) and of course BLOGGING. Started blogging sebab asalnya ikut Kinah dengan Zul. Form 4 time tu. Awal-awal tu memang aku tulis post-post untuk mengabadikan kenangan dengan 4 Kindigaden yang super awesome. 

Bermimpi nak jadi pilot tapi macam jauh semacam dah aku nak kejar impian tu. Now, aku nak pursue dream aku satu lagi, jadi askar. Call me weird, but I love the feeling when you wear uniform. It just feel different. But of course, this one, only after I finish my degree. :)

So here it is. Brief intro about me. :)

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